What drives our organisation?

The South Staffordshire Deaf Children's Society

Established in 1975, we are a well known group supporting families of children with a hearing loss in the South Staffordshire region.
Every year we organise a wide range of activities from events for little toddlers to events for parents only. We seek to support families as they work their way through accepting and living with hearing loss in their family and provide a local support network for people to know that they are not alone in their situation.
Being a society affiliated with the National Deaf Children’s Society, we provide links both locally and nationally, sharing information and insights.
Our fundraising events have, for example, allowed us to purchase Roger Pens and iPads for children with a hearing loss to use in school with the support of their assigned Teacher of the Deaf and therefore not be at any disadvantage to others in their class.

Contacting Audiology Departments in Hospital

UHNM – Stoke/Stafford


UNDB – Burton


Please ensure that you include the following in your message:

  • Your child’s full name
  • Your child’s date of birth
  • Whether you prefer to be contacted by telephone or email

Living with Hearing Loss

What is Hearing Loss?

Hearing loss happens when one or more parts of the ear aren’t working effectively. The ear is the first part of the hearing system. The outside part of the ear catches sound waves and directs them down the ear canal. The waves then cause the eardrum to vibrate.

There are two main types of hearing loss:

  • Nerve hearing loss which is a hearing loss in the inner ear. This usually means that the cochlea isn’t working effectively. This hearing loss is permanent.
  • Conductive hearing loss which means that sound can’t pass efficiently through the outer and middle ear into the inner ear. This is often caused by blockages such as wax in the outer ear, or fluid in the middle ear (glue ear). Glue ear is a very common condition, especially in pre-school children. This hearing loss is usually temporary.

Very few children have no useful hearing. Most children with a hearing loss can hear some sounds at certain frequencies and loudness, and with the use of hearing aids or implants they are often able to hear more sounds.

Our Events